
Showing posts from April, 2022

Philosophy of The Mahabharata and Dialogues Plato’s Republic

  Plato’s  Republic   is an epic of philosophy, supplementing Homer’s epics in the Hellenic tradition. The  Mahabharata   is an epic bearing its philosophical interpretation throughout for those who have discerned its interpretative principles but manifest a comprehensive philosophical perspective, especially in the  Bhagavad Gita .   Without presupposing that the accounts in these two texts, albeit from kindred cultures, should be the same, this Indica Course seeks to bring them, and the experiences of divinity that inform them, into a dialogue. These definitions of doing the right thing and duty in the  Transcivilizational dialogues of Mahabharata and Republic are remarkable.   Guided by the question ‘What is justice?’ Through his dramatic protagonist, his teacher Socrates, Plato establishes that it is to be found in the well-ordered soul, but that to discern the order of the soul, one must look to the state in which one find...

What to consider when taking up Indic Psychology course online?

  India has a rich cultural and civilizational foundation of her worldview that has created literature on Psychology, scattered across various time zones and disciplines such as Philosophy, Yoga, and Ayurveda. However, as in most countries today, Psychology in India is taught through a diverse curriculum influenced by the European and American worldviews and way of life. This subject taught in modern India draws upon the ancient, yet very relevant, the wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga that has now been rediscovered by modern sciences of Psychoneuroimmunology, Cardio Energetics, Epigenetics, and even Quantum Physics. It weaves a tapestry of ancient and contemporary theory and practice based on the Universal principles derived from Ayurveda and Yoga. Many online portals offer exclusive courses to pursue to revive Indic Psychology . Here is what you need to look into such courses before enrolling. Things to consider 1.       Areas covered You will be surprised to...